Microsoft Technology Center
Country or Region: Netherlands

Introduction of the Case
See how the Microsoft Technology Center has achieved the optimum room set up for hybrid working and how Epson projectors, combined with Teams Front Row, facilitate the best 'in the room' experience for all attendees.
Decision Factor
Epson projector was chosen to facilitate a 21:9 aspect ratio on a large screen with bright display but gentle on the eyes for extended viewing. The unique ultra short throw (UST) lens and the large screen to display all content and remote attendees enable to maximize the available space in the room.
EB-PU1008W was chosen for an enhanced hybrid meeting room with a front row setup. It is installed on the wall in front of a semi-circular table that enables attendees can see each other, but also have a good view of screen. The camera is set under the screen and at attendee's eye level so that those sitting around the table are also looking into the eyes of hybrid attendees joining at the bottom of the screen, which means all attendees get the eye-level relationship.
EB-PU1008W (8,500 lm)