Function |
Overview |
Sample program |
A/D Converter |
Sample code to use the A/D converter (ADC10SA) function.
The code acquires analog/digital values from the luminance sensor mounted on S5U1C17602T11 (SVT17602) and displays them on the LCD panel. |
Clock Timer (CT) |
Sample code to use the clock timer (CT) function.
The code generates 1Hz interrupt to update the internally retained time when SW1 is pressed; it displays the time when SW1 is pressed again as End time on the simulated I/O window. |
Power consumption measurement |
Sample code to measure the power consumption of the IC alone.
It measures the power consumption of S1C17602 used alone in the Halt and Sleep Mode. |
I2C Communications |
Sample code to use the I2C master (I2CM) and slave (I2CS) functions to achieve communications. The code transmits data from Master to Slave. Then it converts the data received by the Slave into lowercase characters and transmits them to Master. Then the code displays the received data to the simulated I/O window. |
LCD Driver |
Sample code for using the LCD driver function to drive LCD panels.
The code activates or inactivates the entire LCD panel. |
Oscillator Circuit (OSC) |
Sample code to switch the Oscillator (OSC) circuits.
The code switches OSC1, IOSC, and OSC3, and displays 1, 2, 3… to the simulated I/O window at constant intervals. |
I/O Ports |
Sample code for using the IO port (PORT) function. Pressing SW1-4 connected to P00-03 defined as input ports generates interrupts. P10-14 defined as output ports have toggled outputs. |
PWM & Capture Timer |
Sample code to use the PWM & capture timer (T16E) function.
The code generates Compare-A-Match or Compare-B-Match Interrupt and displays it on the simulated I/O window. At the same time, it outputs PWM waveforms to TOUT3 and TOUTN3. |
Remote Controller
Reception Mode |
Sample code to use the Remote Controller (REMC) Reception Mode for infrared communication with a transmitter device.
The code receives data from the transmitter device, and it checks if the received data matches with the data internally detained. After the check, the code displays the received data on the simulated I/O window. |
Remote Controller
Transmission Mode |
Sample code to use the Remote Controller (REMC) Transmission Mode, and infrared communication with the receiver device.
The code transmits data to the receiver device, and displays the transmitted data on the simulated I/O window. |
R/F Converter |
Sample code to use the RF converter (RFC).
The code displays the counter values on the simulated I/O window when starting the oscillators of temperature and humidity sensors mounted on S5U1C17602T11 (SVT17602). |
Sleep/Halt Instructions |
Sample code for using the Sleep/Halt command.
The code executes the Halt command and releases it by the 16-bit timer Ch.0 interrupt. It also executes the Sleep command and releases it by generating an interrupt with SW1. |
SPI Master Mode |
Sample code to use the Master Mode SPI function for communicating with a slave device.
The code simultaneously transmits and receives data to and from a slave device and displays the received data on the simulated I/O window. |
Supply Voltage Detection Circuit |
Sample code to use the supply voltage detector (SVD) function.
The code changes a reference voltage and enables the SVD circuit. It displays "xxxM volts" when the supply voltage gets lower than the reference voltage. |
Stopwatch Timer |
Sample code to use the stopwatch timer (SWT) function.
The code enables the stopwatch when SW1 is pressed. The counter value increases every time a 100Hz interrupt occurs to the stopwatch timer, and stops it when SW1 is pressed again. Measured time is shown on the simulated I/O window. |
8-bit Timer |
Sample code to use the 8-bit timer (T8F) function.
The code generates 8-bit timer interrupts and displays the result on the simulated I/O window.
8-bit OSC1Timer |
Sample code too use the 8-bit OSC1 timer (T8OSC1).
The code generates Compare Match Interrupt and displays it on the simulated I/O window. |
16-bit Timer |
Sample code for using the 16-bit timer (T16) function.
The code generates 16-bit timer interrupt, and displays the result on the simulated I/O window. |
Sample code to use the UART function for communications.
The code transmits uppercase letters of alphabet from A to Z, and displays the received data on the simulated I/O window. |
Watchdog Timer |
Sample code to use the watchdog timer (WDT) function.
The code clears the watchdog timer every time SW1 is pressed. The watchdog timer is not cleared unless SW1 is pressed; thus NMI is generated and the result is shown on the simulated I/O window. |