Cross Reference

Epson has a wide variety of LCD Controllers. The following table summarizes some of the Resources available for each LCDC.
For inquiries regarding unlisted operating systems or platforms, please email Programming Support.

Related Information

LCD Controllers

Product CPU Interfaces LCD Interface Support Typical Resolution Color Depth
Additional Features Packages
Mono STN Color STN TFT
S1D13513 16bit I/F,
Direct addressing,
Indirect addressing,
Serial I/F
8-bit 8-bit 18-bit XGA MSTN: 64 grayscale
CSTN: 256K colors
TFT: 16M colors
Up to 64MB External
Camera 0.3 MP, 2D Sprite, 2D BitBLT QFP22-208 PBGA17-256
S1D13515 16bit I/F,
Direct addressing,
Indirect addressing,
Serial I/F
n/a n/a 18-bit/24-bit XGA TFT: 16M colors Up to 64MB External
Camera 0.3 MP, Prewarping Embedded RICS CPU QFP22-256 PFBGA1U-256
S1D13517 8bit I/F,
16bit I/F,
Indirect addressing
n/a n/a 18-bit / 24-bit SVGA TFT: 16M colors Up to 16MB External SDRAM Maximum 16-buffer separation,
2D graphics engine, Two Picture-in-Picture windows, Spread Spectrum clock, Alpha Blend
S1D13700 8bit I/F,
Direct addressing,
Indirect addressing
4-bit n/a n/a QVGA MSTN: 16 grayscale 32KB Internal SRAM 3 overlay screens TQFP13
S1D13705 8bit I/F (with external logic),
16bit I/F,
Direct addressing
4-bit / 8-bit 4-bit / 8-bit 9-bit / 12-bit QVGA MSTN: 16 grayscale
CSTN: 256 colors
TFT: 256 colors
80KB Internal SRAM SwivelView QFP14-
S1D13706 8bit I/F (with external logic), 16bit I/F, Direct addressing 4-bit / 8-bit 4-bit / 8-bit / 16-bit 9-bit / 12-bit / 18-bit QVGA MSTN: 64 grayscale CSTN: 64K colors TFT: 64K colors 80KB Internal SRAM SwivelView, Picture in picture TQFP15-100
S1D13709 8bit I/F, Direct addressing, Indirect addressing 4-bit n/a 4-bit (Expandable by user connection) QVGA MSTN: 16 grayscale TFT: 16 colors 32KB Internal SRAM 3 overlay screens TQFP14-80
S1D13715 16bit I/F,
Direct addressing,
Indirect addressing,
Serial port I/F for LCD
n/a n/a 18-bit/24-bit QVGA TFT: 16M colors 320KB Internal SRAM Camera 1.3 MP, JPEG Encode/Decode, 2D BitBLT, SwivelView PFBGA10- 160 QFP21-176
S1D13719 16bit I/F,
Direct addressing,
Indirect addressing
n/a n/a 18-bit/24-bit QVGA TFT: 16M colors 512KB Internal SRAM 2.0 MP, JPEG Encode/Decode, 2D BitBLT, SwivelView, SD memory card I/F PFBGA10- 180
S1D13742 8bit I/F,
16bit I/F,
Indirect addressing
n/a n/a 18-bit VGA TFT: 256K colors 768KB Internal SRAM SwivelView QFP20- 144
S1D13743 8bit I/F, 16bit I/F, Indirect addressing n/a n/a 18-bit / 24-bit WQVGA TFT: 16M colors 464KB Internal SRAM SwivelView QFP20- 144
S1D13748 16bit I/F, Indirect addressing n/a n/a 18-bit / 24-bit WVGA TFT: 64K colors 1024KB Internal SRAM Picture in picture QFP20-144 PFBGA10-121
S1D13781 8bit / 16bit I/F
Direct addressing
Indirect addressing
4-bit / 8-bit 8-bit / 16-bit 16-bit / 18-bit / 24-bit WQVGA MSTN: 64 grayscale
CSTN: 64K colors
TFT: 16M colors
384KB Internal SRAM PinP,
S1D13A04 8bit I/F (with external logic),
16bit I/F,
Direct addressing
4-bit / 8-bit 4-bit / 8-bit / 16-bit 9-bit / 12-bit / 18-bit QVGA MSTN: 64 grayscale
CSTN: 64K colors
TFT: 64K colors
160KB Internal SRAM 2D BitBLT,
USB client 1.1
S1D13A05 8bit I/F (with external logic), 16bit I/F, Direct addressing 4-bit / 8-bit 4-bit / 8-bit / 16-bit 9-bit / 12-bit / 18-bit QVGA MSTN: 64 grayscale
CSTN: 64K colors
TFT: 64K colors
256KB Internal SRAM 2D BitBLT,
USB client 1.1
S1D13L01 8bit / 16bit I/F Direct addressing Indirect addressing SPI n/a n/a 16-bit / 18-bit / 24-bit WQVGA TFT: 16M colors 384KB Internal SRAM PinP,
S1D13L02 16bit I/F,
Indirect addressing
n/a n/a 18-bit / 24-bit VGA TFT: 64K colors 1024KB Internal SRAM Picture in picture QFP22-208
S1D13L03 8bit I/F,
16bit I/F,
Indirect addressing
n/a n/a 18-bit VGA TFT: 256K colors 768KB Internal SRAM SwivelView QFP21-176
S1D13L04 16-bit Indirect/Direct Addressing, Serial Host Interface n/a n/a 16/18bit XGA TFT:256K colors Up to 16MB External SDRAM 3 Layer PIP Support, Mirror and 180° Rotate, Alpha blending, Programmable PLL, Gama Correction QFP22-208
S1D13U11 USB 2.0 HS n/a n/a 18-bit / 24-bit SVGA TFT: 16M colors Up to 16MB External SDRAM Maximum 16-buffer separation, 2D graphics engine, Two Picture-in-Picture windows, Spread Spectrum clock, α-Blend QFP20- 144
S2D13719 16bit I/F,
Direct addressing,
Indirect addressing
n/a n/a 18-bit/24-bit QVGA TFT: 16M colors 512KB Internal SRAM Automotive LCD with Camera 3 MP, Temp Range -40~1050C, JPEG Encode/Decode, 2D BitBLT, SwivelView, SD memory card I/F PQFP22- 208

Memory Display Controllers(MDC)

Product CPU Interfaces Panel Interface Support Color Depth
Internal Memory
Supply Voltage
Additional Features Packages
Indirect 8-bit
6-bit color MIP,
3-bit or 1-bit Memory LCD with SPI,
EInk EPD with 3/4-wire serial interface,
Grayscale panel with 8-bit parallel or 3/4-wire serial interface
64 colors 96KB 1.8V to 5.5V RTC, SPI, QSPI, I2C,
DMAC Sound Generator,
IR remote control transmitter